Professional Education

Highlight: New Resources

Updates in Acetaminophen Poisoning

Presented by Dr. Jon Cole

Updates to Acetaminophen Management

Drugs of Abuse

Presented by Dr. Rebecca Lange


Anion Gaps: Aspirin and Toxic Alcohols
Presented by Dr. Alexandru Ulici


Hand Sanitizers & Methanol Poisoning
Presented by Dr. Cole Pueringer


Acetaminophen: The good, the bad, the ugly
Presented by Dr. Annie Arens


Tox PSA 1
Presented by Dr. Annie Arens


Tox PSA 2
Presented by Dr. Annie Arens


Observation Time After Naloxone
Presented by Dr. Jon Cole


Emergency Responders and Potential Opioid Exposures

Please review this position statement from the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) and American Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT). This paper outlines recommendations for personal protective equipment (PPE) when dealing with fentanyl or fentanyl analog exposures in the field.

Homeland Security has issued a statement that contrary to recent news reporting, there are no fentanyl analogs resistant to Naloxone. Download the Homeland Security article.

Download Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders. This one page handout provides information to help first responders protect themselves when the presence of fentanyl is suspected or encountered.

Emergency Preparedness

The following fact sheets are in PDF format.
Print and replicate as needed.

Antidote Stocking
Bomb and Blast Injuries
Chemical – 20 Questions & Answers
Cyanide (Courtesy of the Iowa Poison Control Center)
Irritant Gases
Nerve Agents
Radiological Antidote
Radiation Victim Tx Algorithm
Acute Radiation Syndrome
Radiological Dispersal Device
Patient Exposure Information
Public Safety Response Guideline for Radiological Dispersion Devices
Riot Control Agents
Riot Control Algorithm

Medical Resources

Poison Centers in the United States are regularly consulted by health care facilities to provide treatment recommendations regarding poisoned patients. Poison centers provide up to date, evidence-based information on toxicity and treatment 24 hours a day at no cost. They are backed up by medical toxicologists.


Fentanyl: The Real Deal
Presented by U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Pediatric Esophageal Coin Bougienage
Presented by Ben Orozco


Toxicology Pearls: Physostigmine
Presented by Dr. Jon B. Cole


Accidental Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
Presented by Dr. Ben Orozco


Cyanide Toxicity
Presented by Dr. Cole and Dr. Orozco


Minnesota Poison Control System: Bucko and Ayla’s Story
Presented by Kirk Hughes on behalf of Hennepin County Medical Center TRA CCS


Free Webinars

The Opioid Crisis in Rural America
Presented by Kirk Hughes
Archived Recording from the Minnesota Farm Bureau:

Poison Help, The Antidote for Any Poisoning: 1-800-222-1222
Presented by Kirk Hughes
Archived Recording: