Tennessen Warning – Notice of Collection of Private Data

The Minnesota Regional Poison Center administers statewide poison center services on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Health as required by Minnesota Statute, section 145.93. This program has been established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 144.05, 144.0742, 144.12, 144.192 and Minnesota Rules 4605.7040 and 4605.7070.

In its capacity, the Minnesota Regional Poison Center functions as a part of the Minnesota State’s public health system.

This notice explains why we are or may be requesting private data about you, your dependent or any other individual for whom you may be contacting the Minnesota Poison Control System. This notice also explains how we will use this information, who will see it, and your obligations to provide the data, if any.

What data will we use?

We will use the data that you provide to us at the time of the phone call, or that may be given to us by a healthcare provider or through a home case management consultation in order to provide immediate medical treatment recommendations. If you provide us data that is not necessary, we will not use it for any purpose.

The Minnesota Regional Poison Center uses an information management system to record, store and manage all poison control data collected from callers or information that may be provided to us by a health care provider or through home case management.

At a minimum, the Minnesota Regional Poison Center requires and will maintain those data elements on all suspected poisoning exposures as required by the National Poison Data System, including but not limited to the history of the exposure, clinical assessment and a medical treatment plan pursuant to an initial contact with or any subsequent contacts with the Minnesota Regional Poison Center.

Why do we ask you for this data?

We ask for this information for the following reasons:

  • To ensure appropriate treatment recommendations are given based solely on the information provided;
  • To appropriately and properly administer the poison information center;
  • To serve the needs of Minnesota public health professionals and the public by promptly identifying outbreaks and poisonous substances or contaminants;
  • To provide education and training on public health topics;
  • To assist in maintaining quality improvement programs;
  • To increase awareness and facilitate access to poison control services;
  • To provide focus on, awareness and prevention to target populations; and
  • To maintain comprehensive poison information resources.

Do you have to answer the questions we ask?

You are not required to provide all of the data but certain data must be collected to be able to provide you with appropriate and immediate medical treatment recommendations.
What will happen if you do not answer the questions we ask?
If you do not provide at least the minimum data requested, we may not be able to provide you with accurate or appropriate medical treatment recommendations.

Who else may see this data?

We may give data about you or about whom you are calling or that may be provided to us by a health care provider or through home case management in order provide immediate medical treatment recommendations, to the Minnesota Department of Health or its authorized representative, vendors, including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Health Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division, Minnesota Department of Health Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Division, Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Laboratory, Americas Poison Centers and the National Poison Data System, regulatory authorities, any agency with legal authority to have the data, and anyone authorized by court order.

How else may this data be used?

We can use or release your data only as stated in this notice unless you give us your written permission to release the data for another purpose or to release it to another individual or entity not named in this notice. The data may also be used for another purpose as may be set for in state or federal law allowing for or requiring us to release the data or to use it for another purpose.

You are not required to provide any of the requested information.

The Minnesota Department of Health may contact you based on data that is provided in accordance with this notice.