National Statistics

National statistics from the National Poison Data System (NPDS) may be found on the America’s Poison Center’s (APC) website.

Once there, click on National Poison Data System to access the most recent report or request specific data from the APC.

What is the APC?

The America’s Poison Centers is a non-profit, nationwide organization founded in 1958 the represents poison centers of the United States and the interests of prevention and treatment of poisoning.

Your Poison Center is a Member of the APC.

The nation’s 55 poison centers as well as other poison-related organizations are members of America’s Poison Centers (APC). The APC’s mission is to advance poison centers in their public health mission.

APC Support

  • Represents U.S. poison control centers
  • Partners with other organizations and federal agencies to promote poison control center services.
  • Provides accreditation of U.S. poison control centers.
  • Provides continuing education for poison control center staff.
  • Certifies poison center personnel.
  • Owns and maintains the National Poison Data System (NPDS).
  • Provides toxicosurveillance in collaboration with federal agencies, provides annual reports on poison statistics, and provides custom reports from NPDS data.
  • Compliments efforts of poison control centers in educational outreach.
  • Provides the media, national organizations, and federal agencies access to an extensive network of toxicologists, specializing in a variety of subject matter.
  • Co-hosts the North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology- the leading international event on toxicological matters.

For more information about the APC, visit